Category: Christ

Are We Ashamed?

While on the Earth, Jesus asked His apostles a very simple, but important question, “Whom say the people that I am” (Luke 9:18)?  In response, the apostles gave the common thoughts of the masses.  “They answering said, John the Baptist; but some say, Elias; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen

How Far Will You Go With Jesus?

How wonderful and encouraging it is when a person chooses to become a Christian. That person has come to the decision that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Also, that person has decided to change his thinking and his life. He is so confident in his faith that he will verbally acknowledge such

The Wheat And The Tares

A faithful student of the Bible should know that parables were a useful way of teaching important lessons. Our Lord utilized this method of teaching numerous times. On one occasion, Jesus taught, “…The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came

The Church Of Christ

In a world where there is a “church” to suit every fancy and whim, I wholeheartedly affirm that I am not ashamed to be a part of the church of Christ.  Sadly, there are some in this world who think that I have the wrong point of view.  Let me take the time to supply

The Good Shepherd

While on this Earth, Jesus was referred to in different ways.  Many know Jesus is the Son of God.  Others realize that Jesus is also the Son of man.  These two designations indicate the Deity of Christ, as well as His manhood.  Another of the more well-known references is when Jesus said, “I am the

Read It To Me Again

When you were young, did you ever have a favorite “bedtime” story that you enjoyed.  Maybe it was about a knight and a princess, or perhaps it was about Jack and a beanstalk.  Whatever it might have been, did it seem like you ever tired of hearing it?  When your Mom and Dad read you

Thy First Love

            The book of Revelation is a great study about the victory that faithful Christians enjoy.  In the very first verse, the apostle John made it clear that the book is “signified” (Rev. 1:1).  As one will notice, the root of “signified” is sign.  John was letting the reader know that the things contained in

Exceeding Great and Precious Promises

Some of you have lived in a time where a man’s word was his bond.  An affirmation and a handshake were suitable to seal a deal.  In today’s society, with lying being so rampant and commonplace, we sometimes do not know who, or what, to believe.  With that being said, I am absolutely certain that

Profoundly Simple

To have sat at the feet of Jesus, and to have heard Him teach, would have been a life changing event.  Our Lord had a way of teaching that was different from every other person’s.  On one occasion, certain officers who were charged with taking Jesus into custody acknowledged that “Never man spake like this

The Coming Of The Kingdom

               In the realm of “religious studies”, there are many who have taken the position that Jesus failed when He came in the first century A.D.  Their reasoning is that Jesus wanted to establish His earthly kingdom, but because of the wide rejection amongst the Jews, He could not.