Category: God

Gifts That God Gave Man

I imagine that most of us enjoy receiving a gift from someone else. The fact that another thought so much of us as to spend his time and money makes us feel good inside. The gift might not be very consequential, but as the old saying goes, “it’s the thought that counts.” With all of

Pattern Theology

When some read the title of this article, it is possible that they will instantly be opposed to the study at hand.  The idea of “pattern theology” is nothing more than a flippant thing to some people.  They seemingly have no use for it, and also seemingly ignore Biblical principles that teach the necessity of

Abraham’s Seed

In the course of history, few men have been esteemed higher than the man named Abraham. The Bible states that he was called the “Friend of God” (James 2:23). That was due to his great faith and obedience, which can easily be seen by reading, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out

The Last Days

When some read the title of this article, they may have a misunderstanding. It is quite possible that many will think that I am referring to the immediate days prior to the Lord’s return. However, that is not completely accurate. On different occasions, the Bible has references to the “last days”, and we should diligently

Are You Sure That You Are Saved?

Many sermons and articles have been preached and written to instruct a sinner on how he can be saved.  God’s plan of salvation is clearly revealed in the New Testament.  If an accountable person hears the Word of God, believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of past sins, confesses that Jesus is the

Fully Persuaded

Are you confident that God will bring to pass what He has said?  Is there any doubt in your mind?  What about your sins being forgiven?  What about Jesus returning?  Will we really be judged?  Just how sure are you?  I want to encourage you to have no doubt whatsoever!            God is trustworthy, regardless

Excuse Me

          Try to put yourself in the position of first century Jews.  For years, you have been living under the Law of Moses and waiting for the coming of the Messiah.  Granted, you have likely been wrong in your expectations, but nonetheless, you wait.  Then one day, you hear a man from Nazareth teach

Spiritual Worship-Part Five

The final act of worship that we will notice is the action of giving/contribution.  Christians should know that all of the blessings that we have are from God.  James wrote, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow

Handle With Care

It is very clear that Paul loved the church in Corinth.  More than once, Paul did what he could to teach, encourage, and admonish those brethren.  When he did such, Paul was very careful that he did not rely on his own feelings and opinions.  Instead, Paul utilized the best resource that was available to

Justice And Vengeance

No matter how many times I read it, the Sermon on the Mount is still so powerful and useful.  Whether it is the beatitudes at the beginning, or “the wise man building his house on the rock” at the end, the Sermon on the Mount still stands as a masterpiece.  Let us take the opportunity