Category: Grace

A World Of Iniquity

Sometimes the smallest of things can be responsible for tremendous damage. Think about a match. In size, it is rather small. Unless it is lit, it will not do very much harm. However, once it is lit, that small flame can be the start of something terrible. Houses can burn to the ground. Forests can

The Last Days

When some read the title of this article, they may have a misunderstanding. It is quite possible that many will think that I am referring to the immediate days prior to the Lord’s return. However, that is not completely accurate. On different occasions, the Bible has references to the “last days”, and we should diligently

God’s Son, A Servant

As the Bible records, God has only one begotten Son, and that is Jesus the Christ (John 3:16). Before being born into this world, Jesus was known as the Word (John 1:1-3). The Word, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is Deity. That means that Jesus has all of the qualities of God.

A Woman Taken In Adultery

It is truly a blessing to have copies of the Bible that we can read and study.  In the Word of God, we are told of many different things that have happened over the history of mankind.  Some of those things are great accomplishments, while others are terrible failures.  When Jesus was alive on the

Burden Bearing

Contrary to what some have said, the Bible does not contradict Itself.  The beauty and the wonder of the Bible’s accuracy is truly something to behold.  However, there are times that some opponents and skeptics will present what they believe to be evidence of contradiction.  Take for example two particular verses in Galatians chapter six. 

Who Is My Neighbor?

Interaction with others is essential to being a Christian.  After all, how are we going to be “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” if we never interact with the people around us (Matt. 5:13-16)?  The apostle Paul knew this to be true, for it is recorded, “I wrote unto you

The Church Of Christ

In a world where there is a “church” to suit every fancy and whim, I wholeheartedly affirm that I am not ashamed to be a part of the church of Christ.  Sadly, there are some in this world who think that I have the wrong point of view.  Let me take the time to supply

When God Shuts The Door

At different times, I, and others, have prayed to the Father for “doors” to be opened so that good works can be done.  Through His providence, God has done just that over the years.  However, we need to realize that the same God Who opens those “doors” is the same God Who can shut “doors”

Why We Should Rejoice

It is truly saddening to know that there are so many people bowed down in sorrow and dismay. This sadness is not just found in those in the world, but also it is found amongst members of the body of Christ. While I am not trying to diminish anyone’s situation in life, Christians should be,

Thy First Love

            The book of Revelation is a great study about the victory that faithful Christians enjoy.  In the very first verse, the apostle John made it clear that the book is “signified” (Rev. 1:1).  As one will notice, the root of “signified” is sign.  John was letting the reader know that the things contained in