Category: Obedience

Are We Ashamed?

While on the Earth, Jesus asked His apostles a very simple, but important question, “Whom say the people that I am” (Luke 9:18)?  In response, the apostles gave the common thoughts of the masses.  “They answering said, John the Baptist; but some say, Elias; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen

As Dear Children

There is little in this world that can bring out the joy in a person’s heart quite like a little child.  The Internet is inundated with videos of babies and toddlers doing sweet and funny things.  I can remember when my daughter was little.  Each day was special.  Whether it was watching her play with

I Know Whom I Have Believed

When we go about making decisions in our lives, it is good to have confidence that we have made the right choices.  That is certainly true when it comes to spiritual decisions.  While there may be repercussions for making the wrong choices in secular matters, the consequence of making the wrong choices in spiritual matters

Respect Of Persons

How do you think of yourself?  Do you consider yourself a good model of what a Christian ought to be?  Are you striving to live as the New Testament commands?  What about how you think of other people?  Are you constantly comparing the way that you act to how other people act?  How about this? 

Identifying Error And Those Who Practice It

As a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there comes a time when I must warn faithful brethren of the heresies, lies, errors, and such like that exist. It is not something that is done with a feeling of great joy. Instead, there is a sense of hurt and disappointment. I would rather be

When God Rejects Worship

What do you think when you hear the word worship?  You might be surprised that not every one will have the same thoughts.  The word “worship” literally means, “to kiss toward”.  In other words, worship should include actions that show my love and affection to God.  While there are those who attempt to worship other

How Far Will You Go With Jesus?

How wonderful and encouraging it is when a person chooses to become a Christian. That person has come to the decision that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Also, that person has decided to change his thinking and his life. He is so confident in his faith that he will verbally acknowledge such

Abraham’s Seed

In the course of history, few men have been esteemed higher than the man named Abraham. The Bible states that he was called the “Friend of God” (James 2:23). That was due to his great faith and obedience, which can easily be seen by reading, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out

Grievous Wolves

I would like to be able to write that all men have a love for the Lord, His Word, and His church. However, that would not be true. There are many enemies of the cross. Some are blatant and obvious in their ways, while others are more subtle and deceptive. Regardless, these individuals are very

Learning From Judah’s Mistakes

It has rightfully been said that “if we do not learn from our mistakes, then we are doomed to repeat them”. While that is true in our individual lives, it can also be seen from the perspective of society. God has allowed the preservation of the Old Testament so that we learn from the examples