Category: Salvation

I Know Whom I Have Believed

When we go about making decisions in our lives, it is good to have confidence that we have made the right choices.  That is certainly true when it comes to spiritual decisions.  While there may be repercussions for making the wrong choices in secular matters, the consequence of making the wrong choices in spiritual matters

Gifts That God Gave Man

I imagine that most of us enjoy receiving a gift from someone else. The fact that another thought so much of us as to spend his time and money makes us feel good inside. The gift might not be very consequential, but as the old saying goes, “it’s the thought that counts.” With all of

War Has Been Declared

  It certainly is appropriate to describe the life of a Christian as one that is involved in spiritual warfare.  “This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18).  By becoming a Christian, we chose

If Peter Could Be Forgiven, Then So Can We

I would guess that many Bible students would think of Peter as a great example of faithfulness and service.  However, it is good to be reminded that that great man was just that, a man.  That means at times, Peter sinned.  That also means that he needed forgiveness.  When we accept that he could be

How Far Will You Go With Jesus?

How wonderful and encouraging it is when a person chooses to become a Christian. That person has come to the decision that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Also, that person has decided to change his thinking and his life. He is so confident in his faith that he will verbally acknowledge such

The Last Days

When some read the title of this article, they may have a misunderstanding. It is quite possible that many will think that I am referring to the immediate days prior to the Lord’s return. However, that is not completely accurate. On different occasions, the Bible has references to the “last days”, and we should diligently

And Such Were Some Of You

The first century congregation in Corinth was inundated with various problems.  Division, fornication, and scruples were just some of the issues that Paul addressed in his writings.  Yet, even though there was room for much needed growth, Paul did mention some things that the congregation had in its favor.  The apostle wrote, “Know ye not

Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved?

    While working during His earthly ministry, Jesus was asked a question that might have crossed your mind at some time.  “Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved…” (Luke 13:23)?  It has been the concern of many whether or not they will get to Heaven.  The answer that Jesus

Are You Sure That You Are Saved?

Many sermons and articles have been preached and written to instruct a sinner on how he can be saved.  God’s plan of salvation is clearly revealed in the New Testament.  If an accountable person hears the Word of God, believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of past sins, confesses that Jesus is the

My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts

Man should be careful not to believe that he is on the same intellectual level as God.  While there have been some great minds throughout history, none can begin to equal the infinite knowledge that God possesses.  It is correct to say that God is omniscient.  That simply means that God is all-knowing, and that