Fully Persuaded

Are you confident that God will bring to pass what He has said?  Is there any doubt in your mind?  What about your sins being forgiven?  What about Jesus returning?  Will we really be judged?  Just how sure are you?  I want to encourage you to have no doubt whatsoever!            God is trustworthy, regardless

My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts

Man should be careful not to believe that he is on the same intellectual level as God.  While there have been some great minds throughout history, none can begin to equal the infinite knowledge that God possesses.  It is correct to say that God is omniscient.  That simply means that God is all-knowing, and that

Excuse Me

          Try to put yourself in the position of first century Jews.  For years, you have been living under the Law of Moses and waiting for the coming of the Messiah.  Granted, you have likely been wrong in your expectations, but nonetheless, you wait.  Then one day, you hear a man from Nazareth teach

Three Times

I would like to believe that no matter what man does to me, I will not deny that I know Jesus.  I imagine that is how Peter must have felt at one time too.  However, Jesus knew better.  Before His crucifixion, Jesus explained to Simon Peter, “…behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he

Christ, Our Life

I am deeply concerned that some do not understand the dedication that it takes to be a faithful servant of Christ.  It is the Lord, Who said, “…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23).  Self-denial is an absolute necessity for

Risen With Christ

Once an individual obeys the Gospel, he is added by the Lord to His church (Acts 2:47).  It is at that point that the man’s life is forever changed.  Yes, he enjoys all of the spiritual blessings that are in Christ, but there is more to the life of a child of God (Eph. 1:3). 

A Woman Taken In Adultery

It is truly a blessing to have copies of the Bible that we can read and study.  In the Word of God, we are told of many different things that have happened over the history of mankind.  Some of those things are great accomplishments, while others are terrible failures.  When Jesus was alive on the

Burden Bearing

Contrary to what some have said, the Bible does not contradict Itself.  The beauty and the wonder of the Bible’s accuracy is truly something to behold.  However, there are times that some opponents and skeptics will present what they believe to be evidence of contradiction.  Take for example two particular verses in Galatians chapter six. 

Who Is My Neighbor?

Interaction with others is essential to being a Christian.  After all, how are we going to be “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” if we never interact with the people around us (Matt. 5:13-16)?  The apostle Paul knew this to be true, for it is recorded, “I wrote unto you

The Parable Of The Sower

It is clear from Scripture that Christians are commanded to evangelize those around us.  Jesus explicitly stated, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).  However, as we go about doing such, we would be wise to learn that not every person will react identically to another.  To