Tag: CoreyBarnette

Trusting The Lord

Jesus is not your average man. Yes, He is known as the Son of man. That indicates His humanity. Yet, He is also known as the Son of God. That indicates His Deity (John 5:18). It is correct to identify Jesus as God (John 1:1-3). He is one of three that make up the Godhead

How Far Will You Go With Jesus?

How wonderful and encouraging it is when a person chooses to become a Christian. That person has come to the decision that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Also, that person has decided to change his thinking and his life. He is so confident in his faith that he will verbally acknowledge such

Abraham’s Seed

In the course of history, few men have been esteemed higher than the man named Abraham. The Bible states that he was called the “Friend of God” (James 2:23). That was due to his great faith and obedience, which can easily be seen by reading, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out

A World Of Iniquity

Sometimes the smallest of things can be responsible for tremendous damage. Think about a match. In size, it is rather small. Unless it is lit, it will not do very much harm. However, once it is lit, that small flame can be the start of something terrible. Houses can burn to the ground. Forests can

Grievous Wolves

I would like to be able to write that all men have a love for the Lord, His Word, and His church. However, that would not be true. There are many enemies of the cross. Some are blatant and obvious in their ways, while others are more subtle and deceptive. Regardless, these individuals are very

Learning From Judah’s Mistakes

It has rightfully been said that “if we do not learn from our mistakes, then we are doomed to repeat them”. While that is true in our individual lives, it can also be seen from the perspective of society. God has allowed the preservation of the Old Testament so that we learn from the examples

The Lord Stood With Me

Sometimes fighting the good fight of faith can seem like a lonely war. Considering that the “few” are the ones that are saved, that means that the “many” are not on the side of righteousness (Matt. 7:13-14). In other words, Christians are greatly outnumbered by those in the world. Unless one has the proper perspective

The Last Days

When some read the title of this article, they may have a misunderstanding. It is quite possible that many will think that I am referring to the immediate days prior to the Lord’s return. However, that is not completely accurate. On different occasions, the Bible has references to the “last days”, and we should diligently

God’s Son, A Servant

As the Bible records, God has only one begotten Son, and that is Jesus the Christ (John 3:16). Before being born into this world, Jesus was known as the Word (John 1:1-3). The Word, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is Deity. That means that Jesus has all of the qualities of God.

His Word

Taking the time to study the lessons that Jesus taught is a worthwhile endeavor. The student will truly be learning from the Master. With that being the case, it may seem hard to imagine that individuals could have heard Jesus teach and still rejected Him and His Word. On one occasion Jesus taught, “I know