Category: Belief

I Know Whom I Have Believed

When we go about making decisions in our lives, it is good to have confidence that we have made the right choices.  That is certainly true when it comes to spiritual decisions.  While there may be repercussions for making the wrong choices in secular matters, the consequence of making the wrong choices in spiritual matters

Trusting The Lord

Jesus is not your average man. Yes, He is known as the Son of man. That indicates His humanity. Yet, He is also known as the Son of God. That indicates His Deity (John 5:18). It is correct to identify Jesus as God (John 1:1-3). He is one of three that make up the Godhead

Abraham’s Seed

In the course of history, few men have been esteemed higher than the man named Abraham. The Bible states that he was called the “Friend of God” (James 2:23). That was due to his great faith and obedience, which can easily be seen by reading, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out

The Lord Stood With Me

Sometimes fighting the good fight of faith can seem like a lonely war. Considering that the “few” are the ones that are saved, that means that the “many” are not on the side of righteousness (Matt. 7:13-14). In other words, Christians are greatly outnumbered by those in the world. Unless one has the proper perspective

His Word

Taking the time to study the lessons that Jesus taught is a worthwhile endeavor. The student will truly be learning from the Master. With that being the case, it may seem hard to imagine that individuals could have heard Jesus teach and still rejected Him and His Word. On one occasion Jesus taught, “I know

And Such Were Some Of You

The first century congregation in Corinth was inundated with various problems.  Division, fornication, and scruples were just some of the issues that Paul addressed in his writings.  Yet, even though there was room for much needed growth, Paul did mention some things that the congregation had in its favor.  The apostle wrote, “Know ye not

Are You Sure That You Are Saved?

Many sermons and articles have been preached and written to instruct a sinner on how he can be saved.  God’s plan of salvation is clearly revealed in the New Testament.  If an accountable person hears the Word of God, believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of past sins, confesses that Jesus is the

Fully Persuaded

Are you confident that God will bring to pass what He has said?  Is there any doubt in your mind?  What about your sins being forgiven?  What about Jesus returning?  Will we really be judged?  Just how sure are you?  I want to encourage you to have no doubt whatsoever!            God is trustworthy, regardless

Excuse Me

          Try to put yourself in the position of first century Jews.  For years, you have been living under the Law of Moses and waiting for the coming of the Messiah.  Granted, you have likely been wrong in your expectations, but nonetheless, you wait.  Then one day, you hear a man from Nazareth teach

Three Times

I would like to believe that no matter what man does to me, I will not deny that I know Jesus.  I imagine that is how Peter must have felt at one time too.  However, Jesus knew better.  Before His crucifixion, Jesus explained to Simon Peter, “…behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he