Category: Belief

Gone Fishing Lately?

Throughout the short life of Jesus, He took many opportunities to incorporate everyday life into His teachings.  This method of teaching was extremely beneficial.  By using things that His hearers already knew and understood, He made His teachings easier to apply.  Take for instance the account of fishing in Luke chapter five.              Luke recorded,

Rooted And Built Up

A study of the letters that Paul wrote is always beneficial and educational.  There are so many different aspects of the Christian life that he addresses.  Keep in mind, that although he was the earthly penman, the Scriptures came from God (1 Cor. 14:37).  With that being understood, let us notice a challenging command that

Absolute Devotion

There are many individuals in this world who want blessings from God.  However, there are not nearly as many individuals who are truly devoted to the LORD.  It seems that some people have developed a pseudo-faith, which is demonstrated only when they want something from God.  When sickness or hard times rear their head, they

Chosen Of God

It is quite possible that you have heard that Israel is God’s chosen people.  While that is true, we need to define just what Israel was and is.  First of all, we need to understand that there is a difference between the Israel of old and the Israel of today.  The Israel of old is

The Coming Of The Kingdom

               In the realm of “religious studies”, there are many who have taken the position that Jesus failed when He came in the first century A.D.  Their reasoning is that Jesus wanted to establish His earthly kingdom, but because of the wide rejection amongst the Jews, He could not. 

Brethren, Pray For Us

                    To some, the idea of praying to God is useless, fruitless, and nonsensical.  Many do not believe that God exists, and therefore think that prayer has no real value.  Instead, some might look at prayer as a “crutch” on which weak people lean.  Their idea

Submit, Resist, Draw, Cleanse, and Purify – Part Two

        James then wrote, “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners”.  There are various references in both the Old and New Testaments that deal with the issues of cleanliness.  Under the Old Law, the nation of Israel could be “unclean” for various reasons.  Each time, they were expected to do what was required so

Verification from Jesus

Throughout the history of man, there have been certain ones who have denied that certain events recorded in the Bible ever took place. Take for instance the great flood that happened during the life of Noah. There are so very many people that refuse to accept that a worldwide flood ever took place. Then, how

Never Compromise

The Bible is full of many great examples and encouragements from by gone years. One of those accounts details the tremendous courage and resolve of three young Jewish men named Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Dan. 1:6-7). It is possible that you know them better by their Babylonian names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These Jewish

Behold, I Thought

One of the duties of a prophet was to be a sort of “spokesperson for God”. To further clarify, prophets would receive revelation from God, and then the prophets would tell such to people. This is important to understand for the remainder of this article. The reason is that we will be introduced to a