Category: Authority

Why Should I Become A Christian?

“Tell me, why should I become a Christian?”  This question is reasonable and answerable.  Peter explained that we should “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” (1 Pet. 3:15).  Therefore, let me begin my defense of

Chosen Of God

It is quite possible that you have heard that Israel is God’s chosen people.  While that is true, we need to define just what Israel was and is.  First of all, we need to understand that there is a difference between the Israel of old and the Israel of today.  The Israel of old is

Deliver Such An One Unto Satan

How do you think you would feel if you gave your children a command to obey, but then they simply ignored the command?  I imagine that it would upset you.  Now, imagine how God must feel when He gives us a command, and then we refuse to obey it.  Anger, disappointment, and hurt are just

Should We Still Follow The Old Law Of Moses?

            A large problem that exists in the religious world is what we should do about the Old Testament.  There are some who believe that it’s correct to still use the Old Testament as our modern day standard bearer.  Then there are some who believe that the Old Testament is no longer valid today, and

Growing In Christ – Part One

                                The New Testament teaches that a Christian’s spiritual life is a process.  When one obeys the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that person is “born again” (John 3:3-5; 1 Pet. 1:22-23).  This is not a physical rebirth, but rather a

The Coming Of The Kingdom

               In the realm of “religious studies”, there are many who have taken the position that Jesus failed when He came in the first century A.D.  Their reasoning is that Jesus wanted to establish His earthly kingdom, but because of the wide rejection amongst the Jews, He could not. 

But We See Jesus

          The writer of the book of Hebrews did a masterful job of contrasting the differences between the Old and New Laws.  Throughout the letter, numerous examples are given indicating the superiority of the Law of Christ over the Law of Moses.  This was no doubt extremely helpful at its time

Child Of God Or Child Of The Devil?

Amidst all of the confusion and noise that this world has, you might be surprised to realize how simple some things really are.  Take for instance, the world’s population is close to eight billion now.  Yet, all of those people can be classified into one of two categories.  The first category is a child of

Submit, Resist, Draw, Cleanse, and Purify – Part Two

        James then wrote, “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners”.  There are various references in both the Old and New Testaments that deal with the issues of cleanliness.  Under the Old Law, the nation of Israel could be “unclean” for various reasons.  Each time, they were expected to do what was required so

A Good Work

The twenty first century has many threats that can hinder, harm, and harass the church of Christ. In the modern society, sin is not only accepted, but encouraged. Thus, the work that the church of Christ does in evangelism, edification, and benevolence is extremely important during this time. If the church of Christ is not