Category: Authority

Is It Really That Hard To Understand?

How many times have you heard it? “The Bible is just too hard for me to understand?” There are multitudes of individuals that have convinced themselves of such. Is it true though? Let us look at some verses and see just how difficult they are to understand. Next, what about these verses: “And he answered

More Or Less

While I am not against the Bible being printed in chapters and verses, sometimes man’s attempt to make things easier can make things more difficult. There are different times in the Bible when the writer continues his teaching into the next designated chapter. If we are not careful, then we could mistakenly believe that just

Wells Without Water

In different parts of the Bible, God is very plain and firm when it comes to the attitudes and behaviors of those that live sinful lifestyles. Often times, along with the descriptions of their transgressions, there is a foretelling of the punishment that awaits those that will not repent. One of those places of Scripture

The Axe is Laid Unto the Root

When studying the Bible, one learns that under the Law of Moses there was one select group that was considered “God’s people”. That group is known as the Israelites/Jews. By being of the physical seed line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, some had come to behave as if they were spiritually untouchable. That mistake is

Drawing Nigh To God

How do you envision God? Do you think God is some far off Being that is uninterested and uninvolved in His creation? Believe it or not, there is a religious view that largely adheres to that type of thinking. It is called Deism. One of the most well known tenets of some Deists is that

A Dilemma

Are you familiar with what a dilemma is? Without having to retrieve a dictionary, let me try to define “dilemma” in simple and easy to understand terms. Imagine that you are presented with a decision that you have to make between two things. Unfortunately for you though, if you decide either way, you will have

The Old Man and the New Man (Part 2)

The “new man” must also “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” (Eph. 4:31). The attitude and behavior of a Christian is to be different from many in the world. Malice has no place in the life of the “new man”. He

The Grace Of God

One of the simplest, but often misunderstood attributes of God is His grace. The Psalmist wrote, “…the LORD is gracious and full of compassion” (Psm. 111:4). That indicates that God bestows much on mankind that man does not deserve. If man received what he deserves, then mankind would have been destroyed a long time ago.

If It Be Of God

Throughout history there have been many times where men and women have fought for causes and beliefs. It usually starts as something small. Maybe there are just a handful of people at first. Then, as time goes on, more and more seem to be attracted to the efforts made by others. Sometimes the movement can

Will God Ignore Sin Because He Loves Us?

The love of God is an amazing thing! God’s love is so great that John was inspired to write, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Jesus went on to say, “Greater love hath no