Category: Benevolence

Respect Of Persons

How do you think of yourself?  Do you consider yourself a good model of what a Christian ought to be?  Are you striving to live as the New Testament commands?  What about how you think of other people?  Are you constantly comparing the way that you act to how other people act?  How about this? 

God’s Son, A Servant

As the Bible records, God has only one begotten Son, and that is Jesus the Christ (John 3:16). Before being born into this world, Jesus was known as the Word (John 1:1-3). The Word, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is Deity. That means that Jesus has all of the qualities of God.

Burden Bearing

Contrary to what some have said, the Bible does not contradict Itself.  The beauty and the wonder of the Bible’s accuracy is truly something to behold.  However, there are times that some opponents and skeptics will present what they believe to be evidence of contradiction.  Take for example two particular verses in Galatians chapter six. 

Who Is My Neighbor?

Interaction with others is essential to being a Christian.  After all, how are we going to be “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” if we never interact with the people around us (Matt. 5:13-16)?  The apostle Paul knew this to be true, for it is recorded, “I wrote unto you

Avoiding Weariness

As we go about our daily lives, it is not unusual for us to feel tired every once in a while.  After all, there is certainly much that can be accomplished in each day.  The body will naturally become fatigued, and as such, will need rest.  This truth was even found in the life of

Serving God And Others

Being a Christian is a wonderful thing!  Having the forgiveness of sins, having been born again, and having fellowship with God and other Christians are just some of the reasons that living the life of a child of God is so fantastic.  However, being a Christian also means that I am supposed to “deny self”

Growing In Christ – Part Three

               With the maturation of a child of God, there should be the desire to become more and more like Christ.  Paul explained this when he wrote, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:  Who, being in the form of God, thought it not

As a Nurse Cherisheth Her Children

When one studies the works of the apostle Paul, it becomes very apparent that he had a great deal of concern and love for the ones with which he worked. One of those groups was the church of the Thessalonians. Along with Silvanus and Timotheus, Paul expressed his care for the congregation when he wrote,

What Will It Be Like?

Often times, mankind fears the unknown. Being ignorant about a certain thing seems to amplify the apprehensiveness. With that being stated, many people do not understand what it is going to be like after we die. Granted, we are limited in the amount of information that has been revealed to us by God, but we

What Are We Willing To Lose?

The most important decision that a man can make is whether or not to become a Christian. It truly is a matter of everlasting consequences. If the man decides that he wants to go to Heaven, and thus decides to obey the Gospel, he should understand that there are some things that he may have