Category: Benevolence

Another Serving of ‘Let Us’

It was not very long ago that I wrote an article titled “Did You Eat Your ‘Let Us’”. The premise was that the “eating” of “let us” was a play on words. Instead of eating real lettuce, the idea was to introduce some things that a Christian should include in his life. The main texts

Did You “Eat” Your “Let Us”?

Obviously, the title of this article is a play on words. From the time that a child is weaned, parents have the opportunity to introduce different foods to the diet. Often times it is not difficult for the child to enjoy foods that are sweet and tasty. However, the introduction of certain vegetables might be

Are We Truly Servants?

From time to time, we have different jobs that need to be done. Sometimes we might delay doing certain works because of the difficulty or degree of uncleanness. If we are not careful, then we might have this happen in our service, or lack thereof, to Christ. Long ago, Jesus took the opportunity to teach

More Blessed To Give

As we enter into the month of November, we are closing in on a time of year when people will be giving gifts to those that they love. While it is nice to give to our family and friends, we should never lose sight that there are others outside of our families and circle of