Category: Faith

Christ, Our Life

I am deeply concerned that some do not understand the dedication that it takes to be a faithful servant of Christ.  It is the Lord, Who said, “…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23).  Self-denial is an absolute necessity for

Risen With Christ

Once an individual obeys the Gospel, he is added by the Lord to His church (Acts 2:47).  It is at that point that the man’s life is forever changed.  Yes, he enjoys all of the spiritual blessings that are in Christ, but there is more to the life of a child of God (Eph. 1:3). 

When God Shuts The Door

At different times, I, and others, have prayed to the Father for “doors” to be opened so that good works can be done.  Through His providence, God has done just that over the years.  However, we need to realize that the same God Who opens those “doors” is the same God Who can shut “doors”

Worse And Worse

The third chapter of Second Timothy is both revealing and depressing at the same time.  Please do not misunderstand me, I am not demeaning any part of the Word of God.  I am simply expressing how one can feel when he reads that chapter, and then compares it to the modern-day problems that exist.  Let


Words can be very powerful.  For instance, what enters your mind when someone says “love”?  Likewise, what enters your mind when someone says “hate”?  Each of these words can be used to convey different thoughts.  If not careful, one might misuse a word, and by so doing, cause many problems.  With that in mind, I

Why We Should Rejoice

It is truly saddening to know that there are so many people bowed down in sorrow and dismay. This sadness is not just found in those in the world, but also it is found amongst members of the body of Christ. While I am not trying to diminish anyone’s situation in life, Christians should be,

Thy First Love

            The book of Revelation is a great study about the victory that faithful Christians enjoy.  In the very first verse, the apostle John made it clear that the book is “signified” (Rev. 1:1).  As one will notice, the root of “signified” is sign.  John was letting the reader know that the things contained in

The Fear Of The Lord

          I will just come right out and say it!  Many do not fear the LORD.  I do not say that with any joy.  It is a terrible thing that exists in a large part of the world.  However, we should not begin to believe that this is the first time that such a lack

Exceeding Great and Precious Promises

Some of you have lived in a time where a man’s word was his bond.  An affirmation and a handshake were suitable to seal a deal.  In today’s society, with lying being so rampant and commonplace, we sometimes do not know who, or what, to believe.  With that being said, I am absolutely certain that

Rooted And Built Up

A study of the letters that Paul wrote is always beneficial and educational.  There are so many different aspects of the Christian life that he addresses.  Keep in mind, that although he was the earthly penman, the Scriptures came from God (1 Cor. 14:37).  With that being understood, let us notice a challenging command that